Stage 1
Take a monopole — a particle with a single magnetic charge, either a North or South pole — and place it in a particle collider, along with a selection of more common particles, like protons. Accelerate the particles until they reach close to the speed of light. When a monopole is struck with enough energy it can do something dramatic: It can be transformed into something that, from the outside, looks like a mini-black hole, but from within creates its own spacetime. A whole new universe is born.

Stage 1
Take a monopole — a particle with a single magnetic charge, either a North or South pole — and place it in a particle collider, along with a selection of more common particles, like protons. Accelerate the particles until they reach close to the speed of light. When a monopole is struck with enough energy it can do something dramatic: It can be transformed into something that, from the outside, looks like a mini-black hole, but from within creates its own spacetime. A whole new universe is born.

Stage 2
Spacetime around the monopole will start to warp as it transforms. To make things easier to visualize, here spacetime is shown as a two-dimensional sheet. Spacetime begins to bend, creating a bubble — the beginnings of a baby universe.
The bubble begins to inflate. The walls of this expanding bubble do not push into our universe, however. Instead, the bubble grows its own spacetime. At first, the bubble is connected to ours through a wormhole — a tunnel between two universes. But this wormhole will eventually pinch closed, divorcing the baby universe from ours forever.

Stage 2
Spacetime around the monopole will start to warp as it transforms. To make things easier to visualize, here spacetime is shown as a two-dimensional sheet. Spacetime begins to bend, creating a bubble — the beginnings of a baby universe.
The bubble begins to inflate. The walls of this expanding bubble do not push into our universe, however. Instead, the bubble grows its own spacetime. At first, the bubble is connected to ours through a wormhole — a tunnel between two universes. But this wormhole will eventually pinch closed, divorcing the baby universe from ours forever.
Stage 3
If we could travel through the wormhole into the baby universe, before it pinches off, we would see a whole new universe expanding before our eyes — perhaps eventually evolving its own stars, planets and even people.

Stage 3
If we could travel through the wormhole into the baby universe, before it pinches off, we would see a whole new universe expanding before our eyes — perhaps eventually evolving its own stars, planets and even people.